Peter Hayward BA, PhD
Chartered Clinical Psychologist Cognitive Behavioural Therapist
Need help?
I am a graduate of Harvard University and a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and CBT Therapist. Having worked in the NHS and in private practice in North London, I’ve decided to concentrate on working on line and specialising in Anxiety Disorders, Trauma and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I have many years of experience practicing CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), and I can deal in a sensitive, understanding way with your problems. I can offer you skilled, professional therapy, therapy that has been shown to help with a variety of problems. This website offers a summary of who I am and what I do. If you think you could do with some help, please contact me and I will be happy to arrange an initial, fully confidential assessment.
Who I am?
After working in the United States as a teacher, I earned a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology in the United States. I moved to the UK in 1985 and completed my training, working for the Institute of Psychiatry and the South London and Maudsley Hospital Trust. I have experience working with all types of adult psychological problems. Over the years I have been involved in teaching, training and research, including the developments of new psychological treatments. Working at two centres of excellence has also allowed me to stay abreast of changes and developments in new psychological practice. I have now left the NHS to put this expertise to use in providing first-class treatment for my clients. For further details on my experience please click here
What is CBT?
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is now widely established as a highly effective form of psychological treatment. Extensive research has demonstrated that it is effective in dealing with a wide variety of psychological problems including depression, anxiety, panic, phobias and the effects of trauma. The same techniques can be applied to a variety of difficulties, including work stress, bereavement or difficulties that have their roots in childhood trauma. Treatment begins with a careful assessment of the particular thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with the problem. This is a collaborative process, with the client fully involved in gathering information and creating a model of the problem. With this shared understanding, client and therapist can devise specific interventions to resolve the client’s difficulties. Treatment can work in a relatively short space of time; difficulties can usually be addressed with between 6 and 20 sessions of CBT treatment.
If you would like to find out more about CBT, you will find one of the most definitive and informative guides right here
Who could I help?
My experience and expertise extends to a variety of difficulties. Some of these are detailed below but this is NOT a definitive list. If the particular problem or concern you have is not listed please still get in touch.
Depression: Often as a result of life stress, people can fall into a state of depression, characterised by gloomy thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness and despair, lack of energy, poor sleep and, sometimes, thoughts that life is not worth living. Situations such as job stress or relationship problems can produce these symptoms. CBT has well-established procedures to help people feel more positive and more able to tackle their problems.
Anxiety: Stress can also produce the state of heightened anxiety, with troubling thoughts of danger or possible failure and physical sensations that make normal life difficult. Sometimes anxiety can lead to disabling panic attacks. Excessive anxiety can lead to poor sleep and impaired quality of life. A variety of CBT techniques can relieve anxiety and help people to a more balanced view of their problems.
Phobias: Many people suffer for years with a disabling phobia, a fear, for example, of public places or social gatherings. CBT techniques can address these fears and enable people to change their lives dramatically. I have extensive experience in this area, as my first job, at the Institute of Psychiatry, focussed on the treatment of phobias.
Trauma: Traumatic events, such as accidents, can lead to a well known syndrome known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, characterised by intrusive memories (flashbacks), nightmares, and loss of interest in normal life. Well established CBT treatments can lead to remarkable improvements in a very short time.
Other difficulties: There are well established CBT treatments for a huge variety of difficulties, including obsessions and compulsions, substance abuse, and the effects of childhood trauma. I myself have been involved in developing treatments for bipolar disorder, a serious illness that is much more common than people realise. The CBT model provides a sophisticated way of analysing almost any life problem.
Where do I practise from?
I can offer you a safe and secure surrounding in Barnet, North London to discuss whatever particular concerns you might have. My appointments schedule is flexible so I can cater for day or evening time appointments, whichever suits you best.